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 Forum: Drawing Challenges  Topic: Modern Stealth Corvette Challenge

 Post subject: Re: Modern Stealth Corvette Challenge Posted: August 8th, 2022, 5:50 pm 

Replies: 53
Views: 88151

Since Challenge goes into 2030 and LUSVs are supposedly the upcoming new hotness according to some people, I decided to go with a LUSV for my entry. I figure the 2020-230 time frame is a bit early for a full robo ship so I decided to have it be an experimental ship which was optionally manned. In th...

 Forum: Drawing Challenges  Topic: 1965 Strategic Reconnaissance Aircraft Challenge

 Post subject: Re: 1965 Strategic Reconnaissance Aircraft Challenge Posted: July 5th, 2022, 5:31 pm 

Replies: 19
Views: 27080

I decided on a little more "Out there entry" based based on some of the Isinglass stuff for which an entry date of 1965 is highly optimistic but on the other hand the AU this is for has silverbird and I did want to draw a rocket plane. At one point I considered something closer to X-20 but kiwi nixe...

 Forum: Real Designs  Topic: Soviet/Russian passenger hydrofoils

 Post subject: Re: Soviet/Russian passenger hydrofoils Posted: May 31st, 2022, 8:53 pm 

Replies: 11
Views: 9708

Amazing work and impressively comprehensive. I've always thought the Russian hydrofoils looked cool and you did a great job depicting them.

 Forum: Never-Built Designs  Topic: Grumman 70 Knott Large Hydro Foil

 Post subject: Grumman 70 Knott Large Hydro Foil Posted: May 31st, 2022, 8:34 pm 

Replies: 1
Views: 3253

After much procrastination and starts and stops, I'm finally getting around to posting something I've had on the back-burner for awhile. The M165 is from a report which presents the final result of a series of designs for a 70 Knot Large Hydrofoil by Grumman made during the 70s. There were a few oth...

 Forum: Off Topic  Topic: Monkeypox alert

 Post subject: Re: Monkeypox alert Posted: May 19th, 2022, 4:19 pm 

Replies: 15
Views: 24007

Monkeypox isn't very contagious. Historically unless you found an infected person and poked their pus filled sores you'd be fine. This outbreak is like 50 people globally. The only real notable thing about it I've read is the observation that this strain *might* be able to be transmitted sexually bu...

 Forum: Drawing Challenges  Topic: Future challenge ideas/suggestions

 Post subject: Re: Future challenge ideas/suggestions Posted: April 23rd, 2022, 4:52 pm 

Replies: 389
Views: 981080

Hello, I have a few more ideas: - Shipbucket scale early ICBM/orbital launch vehicle challenge (or ideally both, an ICBM-derived launch vehicle). Dittoing a Launch Vehicle Challenge. We're overdue for a space bucket challenge. What about catamaran and trimaran type ships? Say dating back as far as ...

 Forum: Drawing Challenges  Topic: Hospital Ship Challenge

 Post subject: Re: Hospital Ship Challenge Posted: April 1st, 2022, 5:33 pm 

Replies: 17
Views: 24228

Congrats to Skibud1998. A well deserved win. The window detailing really took the drawing above and beyond.

 Forum: Drawing Challenges  Topic: Hospital Ship Challenge

 Post subject: Re: Hospital Ship Challenge Posted: March 25th, 2022, 8:43 pm 

Replies: 17
Views: 24228

Decided to do something small and sensible instead of big and crazy for once so I did a River Hospital Ship like Brazil has. Had most of it done quite early and then only had time for occasional revisits to polish it. Mostly happy with it.

[ img ]

 Forum: Drawing Challenges  Topic: Attack Helicopter Challenge

 Post subject: Re: Attack Helicopter Challenge Posted: January 31st, 2022, 4:52 pm 

Replies: 52
Views: 77294

Originally was going to do something more normal but none of the ideas I had were things I'd have had fun drawing due either to scope or lack of references so I went with something small and dumb and fun. Posting now since I realized I've done as much work on it as I'm able to for the time being and...

 Forum: Drawing Challenges  Topic: Modern Battleship Challenge

 Post subject: Re: Modern Battleship Challenge Posted: January 19th, 2022, 11:45 pm 

Replies: 50
Views: 99917

De Ruyter Class - Mitchell van Os Looks good. I recall having questions about the director placement but you already answered them back when you first posted it so I don't think I need to bring it up again. My only major complaint now is the presentation would look a tiny bit better if you had some ...
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