
HMS Hood: Fast Battleship, or Battlecruiser?
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Author:  Karle94 [ April 7th, 2021, 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  HMS Hood: Fast Battleship, or Battlecruiser?

I have been thouroughly convinced that my drawings of HMS Hood are up to snuff, so I'm posting them here, despite hording them for some time.

Here is the HMS Hood as commissioned in 1920:
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HMS Hood as she appeared in 1924:
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Her compass platform has been completely remodeled.

HMS Hood as she appeared in 1931:
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HMS Hood had her first major rework done between 1929 and 1931. The compass platform and admirals bridge was further reworked and she recieved two octuple pom-pom mounts on her shelter deck amidships. For a short period she also trialed a fantail mounted catapult and crane.

HMS Hood as she appeared in 1937:
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By 1937 her compass platform has been remodeled (again.) She is now serving in the Mediterranean Sea, hence the 507C paint scheme. She is sporting the Spanish Civil War-era neutraility colors on her A and B turrets. Her main mast has been shortened, and three octuple 40mm pom-poms have been added alongside a pair of quad 12,7mm Vickers AA mounts on the rear superstructure. An additional pair of 4 inch AA guns were added to the amidships.

HMS Hood as she appeared in early 1939:
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In early 39 she would recieve four twin 4" DP mounts (the 5.5" guns on the shelter deck was replaced in 38 with a pair of 4" AA guns)

HMS Hood as she appeared in mid-late 1939:
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In mid 39 all of the single purpose 4" AA guns were removed and the shelter deck mounted 5.5" gun was reinstalled.

HMS Hood as she appeared in 1940:
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By 1940 the ship was back in the Atlantic sporting the 507A medium gray paint scheme. All of the 4 inch and 5,5 inch secondary guns have been removed, and the holes for the four foremosts guns have been closed of. 7 twin 4 inch guns of a more modern design replaced the old 4" guns, and five UP launchers were added. The 4 above water torpedo tubes were removed, although her two underwater tubes would remain.

HMS Hood as she appeared in 1941:
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This is the Hood as she appeared after having recieved radars to help track, and target enemy ships. Otherwise she remained unchanged from her 1940 appearance, and she would remain so until she faced of with the Bismarck in the battle that would see her sinking with the loss of 1415 lives in may.

And here's the proposed (adopted, but never used) camo for HMS Hood:
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Author:  KHT [ April 7th, 2021, 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HMS Hood: Fast Battleship, or Battlecruiser?

Looking good. Pretty sure the pom-poms and 4" Mk.V have more updated versions in the forum parts sheets.

Author:  emperor_andreas [ April 7th, 2021, 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HMS Hood: Fast Battleship, or Battlecruiser?

You've definitely done her justice! Excellent work indeed!

Author:  Tempest [ April 8th, 2021, 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HMS Hood: Fast Battleship, or Battlecruiser?

a good series of drawings you have there. At a cursory glance I've noticed a few errors.

The scale appears to be too far to the right; it should be in line with the stern of the ship or the farthermost protrusion, the radio rigging appears too simplistic, the aftermost rangefinder appears to be too large, a porthole is missing in-between the anchors and their size appear to not match those in photos whilst those in the superstructure do, can't see any anchor chains, no stern anchor, in the photos that I have seen colour of the anchors match that of the hull. I'm no expert on British ships but I thought that the hull was painted red.

I hope this helps.

Author:  Karle94 [ April 8th, 2021, 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HMS Hood: Fast Battleship, or Battlecruiser?

You are going to have to elaborate on what scale too far to the right means. The rigging is shown from the side, and thus it's correct. The range finder is the right side, but the sticky out bits are further inside the mount. You are correct about the missing porthole. The 3x3 portholes are the new standard, but it's my personal choice to use the old 4x4 portholes in superstructures as they are usually larger. The Hood appears to rarely, if ever have an anchor on the stern. Considering Hood's shear, I've chosen to omit the chains, as they are not a neccessary part of the drawing. The Hood assosciation along with other sources state that the Hood never had red paint, only grey.

Author:  Hood [ April 8th, 2021, 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HMS Hood: Fast Battleship, or Battlecruiser?

I think that overall these look pretty much on the ball and certainly compare well to the drawings I did a few years back in detail (the hull shading here is better). I had considered giving my Hood's a spruce up with latest parts and styles but I see no need to now.

It's really nice to see these with the proper paint shades, no-one seems too sure what the exact shade of Peacock & Buchan's Anti-fouling Grey was but this probably is not far off the mark.

I can't say that I'm a big fan of your pom-poms and HACS, but that's personal taste and I'm probably biased since I devoted a lot of time to drawing RN parts. Overall good work.

Author:  Rob2012 [ April 8th, 2021, 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HMS Hood: Fast Battleship, or Battlecruiser?

She looks good. Next month will mark eighty years since she was sunk.

Author:  Tempest [ April 8th, 2021, 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HMS Hood: Fast Battleship, or Battlecruiser?

Hi, I hope this helps

(1) I think the scale needs to be moved to wherever the ship starts, either the stern or sternspirit.
(2) The anchors appear to be the same colour as the hull in the photos that I have seen.
(3) In the photo the wires appear to be from higher up in the sternmast, and include signal cables.
(4) In the photo the appears to be a ball, possibly a rudder position indicator?
(5) There appears to be different sized portholes.

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Author:  Karle94 [ April 9th, 2021, 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HMS Hood: Fast Battleship, or Battlecruiser?

I've moved the scale bar, repainted the anchors, moved the rear radio aerial and resized the smaller portholes.

Author:  eswube [ April 10th, 2021, 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HMS Hood: Fast Battleship, or Battlecruiser?

Fantastic work.

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