
My First ship
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Author:  acelanceloet [ June 18th, 2011, 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My First ship

and what does that AU version looks like? an slow ship with too many too small guns?

Author:  APDAF [ June 18th, 2011, 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My First ship

Add more guns to the Britannia but slower.

Author:  acelanceloet [ June 18th, 2011, 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My First ship

you know, that sounds like an oversized pre-dreadnought. fact is, that in WW2 era, battleships don't work like that anymore............

Author:  APDAF [ June 18th, 2011, 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My First ship

Ok more like the Satsuma then.

Author:  APDAF [ June 18th, 2011, 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My First ship

I added the pom-poms.

Author:  acelanceloet [ June 18th, 2011, 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My First ship

I will give no more comments, besides of this: it won't work, and if you don't change it this is a waste of my time.

Author:  APDAF [ June 18th, 2011, 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My First ship

I have removed the aft funnel and moved the other one.
I have also moved the aft-most gun.

Author:  Mitchell van Os [ June 18th, 2011, 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My First ship

Ok for a battleship you need this:

Main battery:
A nice set-up for weight/ fire ratio. If you fire 3 guns on the aft, all 1 shell (Or more). You need a VERY VERY strong hull, or you will tear it apart. The ship will move through the water sideways, plus your turret's are fit into turret holders, wich can destroy the ship from the inside out with a punch.
A good ammunition store, to storage your shells and safely (Armor).

In total, a lot of Weight in ton's. You got 6 main guns of 16 inch, dual/tripple/quad? I hope Dual, because tripple/quad is to heavy for a hull like this.

You got to have DP guns as Secondairies, AA + ASu. Otherwise you will lack the Anti air defence on the ocean, and get killed like most battleships did. Torpedoes/Dive boms.
You have choicen for 8 inch turret wich lack the AA capabilities.
They are also heavy weight, and stuck close to each other.
It aint nice to direct them (Lets say) all to the 15/25 degree north of your ship. It wont work anyway like this.

3rd guns row:
You will need a 2nd row of Anti air guns, maby also capable for shooting people in the water/small ships. (Some small boats from sunken ships carried people with guns, nice way to kill them fast, or warn them is with a larger gun then they have, and no. 8 inch or 16 inch wont do that in close range).

I suggest pom poms/40mm in a large amount. Not 2 each side.

4th row:
Small caliber (.50 cal? Maby 20mm? Single 40mm?)

You will need for such a battleship a large engine room, and the UK always used multiple funnels for these sized ships. I suggest 2 funnels, not one big one.

Main reason they did this, is because it was easy to drop boms into the funnels, to kill the engines (Was happened to i quess?).
Smaller ones is less chance to do this, plus one destroyed, is one still capable to release the fumes.

I suggest two bridge sections, one enclosed, one open. And a tower for spotters (They didnt had advanced radars/ googles).

So my thought on this?

Change the array of time, or turrets. These turrets are to modern for the 1918-1930 area.
Delete AT LEAST 2 guns, one front. One back. And keep the overview of 1 turret each over the other.
Put the turrets on their own tower, for reason said earlier.
And Put the bridge more to the front, and add a small superstructure on the back with liveboats (You got to spread those).
And might add a tower with small caliber guns/ lights/ flag mast and spotter hole (Craws nest :P )
Change the 8 inch to 3 guns, and add a smaller caliber next to it.
Add more pom poms to the ship.

And then we can talk ferther.

Author:  APDAF [ June 18th, 2011, 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My First ship

I have added more AA guns.
And I have moved the bridge and funnel.

Author:  Mitchell van Os [ June 18th, 2011, 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My First ship

Ok i am out of this aswell.
Putting up an effort to help, and not listening will end up in me leaving here.

Good luck ferther.

Mitch 8-)

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