
Gunbucket: Kolibriscale - Real and AU Designs
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Author:  SouprRacwn [ December 15th, 2020, 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Gunbucket: Kolibriscale - Real and AU Designs

[ img ]

As I had a thought to draw a Kolibri, I realized the base scale for GB would make it too small and illegible to be worthwhile. That is until I thought of upscaling 20px = 1in to 60px = 1in.

Please use the scale for projects to your hearts content, I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff that KB would suit.

Author:  eswube [ December 21st, 2020, 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gunbucket: Kolibriscale - Real and AU Designs

Nice work!

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