
Cretan AU random FD drawing
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Author:  waritem [ April 22nd, 2020, 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Cretan AU random FD drawing

That's quite a long time i've moved to other hobby (motorcycle building for instance). But, with the containment, i've felt the needs of posting some works in progress at variable stages. So here are the FD scale ones.

First Cretan Republic:
The ICAR K-16 was the cretan version of the polikarpov I-16. It was the first fighter to be in standard use in navy and army airforces (until then each had there own designs). It was first designed for the army, but when it was choosed to become the standard cretan fighter, navy pushed for a better front vision. The navy design was finally adopted. It was being relagated in second line duty by the begining of WWII.
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The ICAR π-39 was a multirole aircraft design by the army air force. It showed tandem engines and wings, propulsive counter-rotating propellers, and four 20mm canon. It was the main fighting aircraft during WWII.
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The ICAR θ-37 was a mid 30's flying boat. The rear twin tail act as stabilizer when floating.
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The ICAR A-39 was a late 30's transport autogyro. It was the work-horse of the wartime cretan airborne brigades.
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The ICAR M-55 is a mid 50's military transport aircraft.
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Then Suid-Afrikaanse Republiek:
In the cretan AU universe south africa is a fascist afrikaneer republic who joinned axis during WWII.
The Savlikon Bom102 Haaie was the equivalent of british Fairey battle. It was an italian Breda 65 fitted with german Junker Jumo 211 engine. It was intended to act as mutirole aircraft, but was deamed unworthy for figther duty.
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The Savlikon Bom105 Ossewa was a CANT Z.1007 fitted with twin german Junker Jumo 211 engine. Inspired by the romanian SM.79 it was the design for witch i created this nation.
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The Savlikon Veg106 Vaatjie was a MC.202 fitted with a Pratt & Whitney R-1830 Twin Wasp.
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The Savlikon Veg 201 Rooibokke is the final evolution of the previous one fitted with the german inline engine.
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Author:  Garlicdesign [ April 22nd, 2020, 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cretan AU random FD drawing


That's waritem as I adore him: Totally over the top! Fantastic work!


Author:  waritem [ April 22nd, 2020, 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cretan AU random FD drawing

This goes straight to my confined heart.
It's encourage me to do the same for the SB scale...............

By the way i've forgot to mention that i hope everybody is doing well in this strange period.

Author:  Charguizard [ April 26th, 2020, 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cretan AU random FD drawing

Absolutely wack, these drawings show you're both bold and skilled. Only thing I think wouldn't work is the pusher flying boat, spray fouls propellers very quickly. That might also apply for the turbocharger placed on the π-16's pontoon support. The π-01 is simply excellent.

Author:  waritem [ April 30th, 2020, 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cretan AU random FD drawing

Charguizard wrote: *
Absolutely wack, these drawings show you're both bold and skilled. Only thing I think wouldn't work is the pusher flying boat, spray fouls propellers very quickly. That might also apply for the turbocharger placed on the π-16's pontoon support. The π-01 is simply excellent.
Thank you sooooo much.
I have to admit that i'm quite satisfied with the cretan figther. This concept was hanging around for near twenti years..........

Author:  waritem [ April 30th, 2020, 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cretan AU random FD drawing

I simply couldn't resist the temptation to add color................
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Author:  waritem [ April 30th, 2020, 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cretan AU random FD drawing

And some Cajuns aircraft .............
Traditionally the louisiana armed forces rely on the mother countries (France) equipments. At the begining of second world war hostilities, the main fighter was french sourced: the Morane-Saulnier MS.406. The plane was soon concidered underpowered and a new engine was finally sourced from the anglosaxon neightbour. Equiped with the Allison V-1710 the performance increased dramaticly and the plane was finally seen as a suitable fighter for home defence.
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The peacetime colorful livery .
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The Wartime less "carnival" set applied on the "bayou hawks".

Author:  waritem [ April 30th, 2020, 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cretan AU random FD drawing

Nevertheless this was only seen as a stopgap and a new plane was already acquired from an uncommon supplier. The Hispano-Casa C-40 was the final devellopement of the Icar K-16 (license built by the spanish republican factories). The new frame was almost twice the size of the orginal to house the huge Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp engine fitted with a turbocharger.
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The first units had the time to recieved the "Tiger Zouaves" paint.
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But quickly recieved a layer of bayou green.
With the propeller spinner remouved they were soon nicknamed "tinybolt" or « the mug »..............

Author:  waritem [ May 3rd, 2020, 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cretan AU random FD drawing

The Hispano-Casa C-40 was the standard figther of "La Gloriosa" (nickname of the "Fuerzas Aéreas de la República Española") who faught the "guerra paralela" against the "Aviación Nacional" from 1940 to 1952. Nicknamed "abejorro" by the republican ( being far bigger than the previous "mosca") and "gordinflón" by the nationalist.

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It was produced worldwide in the several spanish factories scattered in friendly countries and overseas spanish territories. The main one being established in mexico it equiped naturally the "Fuerza Aérea Mexicana".
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The aircraft was quite an export sucess (mainly in carribean area), allowing currency entry into the baleares's established government coffers.

Author:  waritem [ November 28th, 2022, 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cretan AU random FD drawing

And now the first cajuns carrier-born aircrafts, purchased from the American neighbor to equip the Saint Louis class "croiseurs d'aviation" (from Washington Naval Treaty Centennial Challenge).

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