
Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge
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Author:  Gollevainen [ September 20th, 2018, 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

This time the challenge goes FD and we are looking for carrier-brone fighter of the 80's


Date is 1980, you are required to offer a naval fighter which is able to counter existing designs, with its main role as fleet air defense/interceptor. The fighter can be new design or modification of existing design for naval service as long as it cover the above requirement. Size of the aircraft and the size of the carrier which it is intended to operate from is not specified so you can offer different aircrafts of different size and configuration. Submit your drawing with or without a text block accompanying it.

Length of challenge & judging categories:

This challenge will run until 23:59:59 UTC October 31, with winners being chosen by November 4th. Entries submitted after 23:59:59 UTC on October 31 will not be judged. Drawings will be judged by the members of the community by voting over the best design. For voters we expect to judge the drawings on following criteria:

- Adherence to SB/FD style - does your drawing follow the SB style rules as defined in the Style Guide?
- Drawing quality - how well-executed is your drawing?
- Design realism/feasibility - is your design realistic? Does it make sense given the parameters we have defined?

Voting will be up for 7 days and its one vote per member.

Challenge rules:

- One entry per person.
- Multiple versions of your entry are allowed, provided they show the plane's evolution over time.
- Multiple views of your drawing are encouraged but not required.
- Text blocks with stats, history, etc are allowed but not required.
- Posts that are off topic in this thread will be deleted.
- Judges of the previous challenge are not allowed to judge again.

Go nuts!

Author:  1143M [ September 21st, 2018, 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

The scale of SB is is too large for fighter,It‘s difficult to draw details

Author:  Colosseum [ September 21st, 2018, 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

This is an FD Scale challenge (hence why it's in the FD scale forum) ;)

Author:  1143M [ September 21st, 2018, 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

I propose to provide a new scale for aircraft

Author:  Rodondo [ September 21st, 2018, 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

1143M wrote: *
I propose to provide a new scale for aircraft
22.093pix per m? sounds like handy number to start with for a scale

Author:  Colosseum [ September 21st, 2018, 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

1143M wrote: *
I propose to provide a new scale for aircraft
This challenge is in FD Scale (22.093px/m). If you want to draw in another scale please use the Non-Shipbucket forum.

Back to challenge discussion please. ;)

Author:  reytuerto [ September 21st, 2018, 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

A "navalisation" of a current land fighter is feasible? Or the design must be done from scratch? Cheers.

Author:  Rowdy36 [ September 21st, 2018, 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

I can never resist a good challenge so here is my entry, the HAe Maelstrom light fighter:

EDIT: I've finally found some time to finish my design to the current standard:

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Created to meet a 1980 NATO design specification for a light fighter to replace the A-4 Skyhawk on many small anti-submarine carriers, the Maelstrom was designed to outperform the MiG-21 and Mirage and compete with any contemporary fighter it was likely to meet (although its primary adversary was expected to be maritime patrol aircraft). The aircraft was designed with ease of maintenance and ruggedness in mind to enable it to operate from austere airfields and HAe used many parts in common with the F/A-18 Hornet then entering service (such as the engine and radar for example) to limit potential strain on the NATO supply train during wartime.

Although the NATO specification was subsequently cancelled, HAe continued with production and the resulting HAe Maelstrom saw extensive use in not only the Recherche Armed Forces but also the wider Commonwealth, operating from Recherchean, Australian, Canadian, Indian and British carriers as well as in the air forces of Recherche, Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, South Africa and Britain. The prototype was considered to be under-powered with the GE F404 and so after searching for a suitable more powerful engine, HAe settled on the Pratt & Whitney F100 which improved power greatly. This was the main production variant and saw improvements in acceleration, agility and range as a result, although it proved to be more maintenance intensive in service until the F100-220 came along.

General Characteristics

Crew: 1
Length: 13.71m
Wingspan: 9.69m (over wingtip rails)
Height: 4.43m
Wing area: 35m²
Empty Weight: 6,260kg
Max Takeoff Weight: 14,085kg
Powerplant: 1 x Pratt & Whitney F100 afterburning turbofan (64.9kN military thrust, 105.7kN with afterburner)


Max Speed: 2,120km/h at high altitude, 1,470km/h at sea level
Combat Radius: 1,250km air-to-air
Ferry Range: 4,500km with three external fuel tanks
Service Ceiling: 59,000ft
Rate of Climb: 62,000ft/min
Wing Loading: 415kg/m² at MTOW
Thrust/weight: 0.74 at MTOW
Maximum g-load: +9/-3.5g


Guns: 1 x GAU-12 Equalizer 25mm rotary cannon with 300 rounds of ammunition
Hardpoints: 2 wingtip, 4 wing (2 wet), 1 centreline (wet) and 2 waist with a capacity of 5,000kg of ordnance
Stores: Various stores carried though in Recherche service normally Skyflash and Sidewinder AAMs, Sea Eagle, Martel, ALARM and Maverick AGMs, various unguided and laser-guided bombs such as the Mk80 series and CVR-7 rocket pods

Author:  rundrewrun99 [ September 23rd, 2018, 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

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Now for my entry! This is probably just the first of many versions/posts of the same plane, so let me introduce you to the Lockheed C.80 "Murciélago", Fleet Air Defense Interceptor. This is based on going as fast as possible for as long as possible, while still managing to carry a sufficient amount of ordinance. The plane was also designed for potentially taking on multiple other roles. Throw your comments and stuff at me!
*EDIT Fixed loadout, I had made a mistake!!*

Author:  rundrewrun99 [ September 24th, 2018, 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

Decided to do a SEAD version of it as well, because why not :P
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