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Post subject: Fox's beginners shipsPosted: April 24th, 2013, 2:47 pm
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So I have a couple of ships I want to be checked

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Length: 202m Beam: 28.5m

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Length: 150m Beam: 20.7m

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Length: 87m Beam: 8.6m

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Post subject: Re: Fox's beginners shipsPosted: April 24th, 2013, 5:23 pm
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Quite futuristic.

From my limited understanding they look good.

However, I wonder about the bow on the Bau class.
Why is it at that angle?
The reason that todays ships have pronounced bow angle is too avoid the anchor and the anchor chain hitting the bow mounted sonar.

Bau class has no danger of that.

Last edited by MarekGutkowski on April 24th, 2013, 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post subject: Re: Fox's beginners shipsPosted: April 24th, 2013, 5:29 pm
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well, keep an eye on their center of gravity's. the first 2 ships are very high above the waterline, and have a lot more superstructure decks then most warships. try to look at real warships and match the dimensions up.
your USN FCV would be near fixed with an superstructure lowering of one deck in the main radar mast and a few more amidships.

try to find out what systems and parts do what, that way you will find that many systems duplicate or interfere each others roles, and other systems are missing.

also, I'd like to point at the latest parts in the parts sheet section of the forum and main site, you have some parts which are up to date and some which are very old and inaccurate.

about the submarine, I have little knowledge, so I will leave that to others.

Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
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Post subject: Re: Fox's beginners shipsPosted: April 25th, 2013, 4:56 am
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Thank you for your comments,

About the Bau class why the angle? because I created the hull in springsharp, however I will change it.
I'm afraid that if I lower the superstructure I will not have enough room to accomodate for the crew.

About the USN FCV, you can see the exists of the Harpoon, basicly everything in that area is nothing more than a cover for the Harpoons, and yes I will lower the main mast.

Also on the parts,

On the bow class I have 2 Selex Navigation radar, 1 SCOUT radar, Smart-L, UHF, Sattelite coms, APAR, a few Short range atenna's, and that's it what am I missing?

on the USN FCV I woulden't know because I copied over all the equipment.

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Post subject: Re: Fox's beginners shipsPosted: April 25th, 2013, 6:28 am
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SpringSharp is useless for anything built after 1950 and really dodgy for anything that doesn't carry big guns.
It simply isn't designed to simulate this kind of ships.

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Post subject: Re: Fox's beginners shipsPosted: April 25th, 2013, 7:04 am
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and where do you base on that your crew needs so much space? as far as I can see, or your numbers of crew are too high, or your numbers of space they need are way too high.
I understand that that space is there for the harpoon, but there is no reason to place harpoon that high. you have to reload it and all, you know. also, the USN is working on an harpoon replacement launched from VLS, so I highly doubt the harpoon would be placed at all.

on parts....
bau class:
- APAR is the old drawing
- goalkeeper is the old drawing
- hitrole makes no sense if it is only one, and especially not on that position
- weird that there are 2 nav radars of which the biggest one is positioned aft. better put them both on the bridge
that's it mostly.

on the FCV:
- you have large search panels on the superstructure (I suppose SPY-1 alike role)
- you have guidance/targeting panels on the mast
- you have guidance/targeting APAR panels on the mast
- etc.

and that is exactly what I am saying, don't just copy, don't use an part if you don't know what it does and what it's impact is.

Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
I ask of you to prove me wrong. Not say I am wrong, but prove it, because then I will have learned something new.
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Post subject: Re: Fox's beginners shipsPosted: April 25th, 2013, 2:21 pm
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Bau Class
- What is the hull curvature around the aft VLS? Given the size of that hanger I assume the VLS is right up against the rail and since they need about three decks of vertical clearance if there is any curvature at all towards the keel they won't fit.
- What’s the purpose of the exposed walkways under the flight deck?
- The two CIWIS mounts aft are probably overkill.
- What is the purpose of the exposed walkways at the forward part of the hanger? Its a pretty sleak design, why add those radar traps?
- The surface search radar on the aft of the mast has a significant cut out forward from the mast and aft from the air search radar, making it effectively useless. Replace the middle CIWIS with that radar so you have a search radar without an aft cuttout, with the forward one that gives you 100% coverage around the ship.

-The hanger door face is too extreme of an angle.
-I like that you combined the hanger and boat deck space.
-If that those upper mast arrays are supposed to be SPY-3 there should only be three faces.
-No replenishment stations.
-If looks like you may have surface search arrays in the mast, if so you don't need two legacy rotating backups.
-If you do keep the two rotating surface search radars give one an extreme offset to port and starboard. Right now they share the same cutout and are doing the same thing so having two provides no benefit besides redundancy. That integrated mast probably provides for a 90 cutout aft at least.
-Speaking of that mast there is no way that footprint will sit on top of that bridge and still allow enough space for a weapons deck like you have. Do a quick back of napkin sketch to get the 3D proportions right, I think you will find that to have a starboard profile like you have now you will need extreme beam to accommodate that mast as drawn.

-Those aft control surfaces by the prop are very large, they add seven to eight meters to the draft beyond the actual hull of the vessel all by themselves! Thats 18 meters from top sail to bottom of fin and thats leaving no water space below the keel or above the mast to operate, so its pretty much an open ocean boat exclusively. I assume this is a diesel which means its mission profile is a bit odd if littorals are not available to it.

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Post subject: Re: Fox's beginners shipsPosted: April 27th, 2013, 12:26 pm
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So this is the edited version of the Bau Class

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